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Revelations of Christ 

2 Peter 1:21 ''for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.'' A sacred romance with Christ is a wild and passionate adventure; full of hidden mysteries being revealed, miracles happening before your eyes and heart, seeing Him in the ocean of the word, the father's heart and mind being revealed to us, and to the denial of self to store riches in heaven for the next life with Him; the list is endless.  What makes it a sacred romance, is because Jesus wants to have a sacred relationship with all of us; making Himself the most precious and desired object to our hearts within our chaotic lives and world.  This is the very purpose we all walk the Earth, to be born from the light from whence He came; the light is the divine nature of God given in His Son. Jesus Christ went lower than anyone could ever go from the heights anyone cannot ever reach, so that we may all live to exist within the light of divine nature where all mankind has void in their beings.    

Walking with Jesus in the divine light of God is indeed like a romance.  Adam and Eve once had communion with God, but they knew Him more as a general Creator, Lord and Governor, hence Him being known to them as Jehovah Elohim.  Jehovah-personal name, Elohim-the Triune Creator.  He couldn't be known as Father yet, because Christ is to be the revealer of the Father, hence why He was known by name.  Matthew 11:27 ''All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.''  We can look upon upon the relationship Adam and Eve once had with God as a figure or a type to what is available in Christ now and the future state of the believers (Christ's bride) in the next life. 1 Corin 10:11 '' And all these things as types did happen to those persons, and they were written for our admonition, to whom the end of the ages did come.'' A type is a metaphor for the greater purpose and destiny.  Adam is a picture of the Bridegroom who is Christ the Head and Eve is a picture of Christ's bride who are the body of believers, exploring a divinely beautiful garden created by Elohim the Triune God.  Adam and Eve or Christ and His bride in a picture are seen in a relationship together, in love and enjoying what the Father had placed them in.  Now seeing in the New Testament that these are a shadow of things to come, but the ''substance is of Christ''  Col 2:17  and in the end where Revelation reveals that Christ dwelling fully in His bride within the New Jerusalem and New Creation; where all who have called on the Name of the Lord Jesus during His time as walking the world as God in the flesh, during the age of grace after the cross to the rapture, even the faithful in the old testament who had faith in a type of Christ,  and during the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom where the faithful are gathered with a wide net to become His sheep.  Will all be one with Christ, dwelling together as wife and Husband enjoying and reigning over the new creation together.

Once the clothing of Glory left Adam and Eve rendering creation vacant and decaying because of them being deceived and doing what was forbidden; becoming the first sin and what separates the rest of mankind from Him, being born within this lineage, with a corrupt nature and heart leading to more guilty sins; mankind is now born in prison. Creation now vacant of Glory, everyone now born into the World with a corrupt nature and led by their own obscure conscience. God had to take mankind on a journey to Christ offering the riches of the Gospel by which being born again in the nature of Christ freeing them from the old nature of Adam and the prison cell.  Showing all the lost sheep of the world that in eternity He once knew all our souls and we all knew His voice, but only through the cross can we know Him as a father and return to the Shepherd and overseer of our soul 1 Peter 2:25. You can come to know who's voice is it is you hear from time to time reminding you from whence you came; to come know Him as your Father and explore this World in a glorious romance with Jesus... Looking into each others eyes seeing lilies, roses and all the beauty of God in fullness through this Earth as our garden... Looking onto the time when we will all be nit together as a glorious city made from the materials of Heaven, the substance of Jesus.  Jesus Christ has given us a narrow gate to be born into this sacred romance with Him and be crowned again with 'glory and honor' which He once crowned man with and mankind in trial lost in the garden.  The new crown though upon the race of Christ is a crown which brings the Light of men, the full glory of the Divine Nature within and brings the goodness of being represented by Christ's Righteousness (goodness) and Holiness forever as our image and crown.  
1 John 2:1  '' ...we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.'' Far surpassing the goodness and Glory of Eden, we can now live in the glorious relationship with Christ with loving heavenly Father watching down upon us that which He pre-destined from the foundation of the World.  To be now born again in a beautiful sacred romance with Christ, that which all humanity needed, in the washing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit, saved from the darkness that the deceived first man Adam brought into the world, with the Righteousness and Holiness of Christ forever as our identity.   Adam and Eve were never born again (washing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit with Christ in them) Thus being revealed that God always before all things, proposed for Christ to come into the world and seek and save that which was lost to be His bride, revealing the true Father and that being a multitude singing and praising His name.  

Proverbs 8: 22-31 “The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way, before His works of old.  I have been established from everlasting, from the beginning, before there was ever an earth; When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water; before the mountains were settled; before the hills, I was brought forth; while as yet He had not made the earth or the fields, the primal dust of the world.  When He prepared the heavens, I was there; when He drew a circle on the face of the deep; when He established the clouds above; when He strengthened the fountains of the deep; when He assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters would not transgress His command; when He marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside Him as a master craftsman;  And I was daily His delight. Rejoicing always before Him.  Rejoicing in His inhabited world, and my delight was with the sons of men.''  We are all then Christ's very delight.  As so it was prophesied as a hidden mystery in a massage from God (word of His lips through prophets) and then revealed to us as revelation during the birth, incarnation, transfiguration and resurrection of Jesus Christ that He truly was the One who was one with His Father God as if being inside His very bosom from eternity, and at the beginning of time was brought forth for all creation to come forth through the divine light in Him.  The love Christ has for the sons of men (mankind) having the preeminence, that Christ may delight in us within it.      

This sacred romance with Jesus will crown us with the Holy Spirit, who will live inside us and shine on us; glorifying Christ in us and around us.  He will intensify the very nature of Jesus in us and strengthen the light of His His eternal glory around us; revealing the grace and truth of Jesus from the beginning to the end and all the unsearchable riches of God's heart to us, all of which surround His beloved Son, the apple of His eye.  John 16:14 ''He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.''  I seek here to reveal to the world the truths and mysteries of Christ now unveiled in the glory of the cross and resurrection of Christ that are made manifest to my heart in my divine romance with Him through Art, using the paint brush as my tool allowing the Holy Spirit to whisper through it.  There is what was hidden in the old testament, now revealed in the new through the light of Christ's divine resurrection as mankind's justification that Sin is forever left below in ashes; now these revealings have been transfigured to us in words through the holy epistles by the Holy Spirit, finding there way to light up the lamp of our spirits through a heartfelt confession of Him.  Through the Holy Spirit and Art, I seek to bring forth creations through the divine life to illustration these revelations (unveilings) of Christ.  

As well as this, Christ said ''He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father'' and ''And these signs shall follow them that believe.''  These greater things are as Christ walked, healing the sick, lost, thirsty and broken; giving them refuge under His wings and saving multitudes to the divine life.  Signs of these works shall follow hearts that have been truly converted to Him.  To do greater works than even Christ is a marvelous mystery in itself, and what the eyes of our hearts can see as unveiled to behold; to continue the way the apostles revealed the word by taking the light of Christ revealed to us (the new covenant) into the old testament and reveal so much more to our hearts.  From God's journey and adventure with Israel (a picture of the hopelessness of the natural man) revealing to us more of the nature and character of God's heart towards us; expounding to us more of the beautiful fragrance of the finished work, with every title and privilege it brings towards us; to even seeing into the future of what's to come with the coming kingdom of the New Jerusalem and the New Creation; using this same divine connection of taking the light of the new covenant into the old testament and illuminating where Christ was there but hidden and see now how they are unveiled through the light of the finished work of Christ (new covenant), then looking through these prophesies, types, symbols, shadows and allegorical journeys  as windows into Revelation (the visions of the future); visions given to apostle John when exiled to be alone with Jesus in His own sacred space at Patmos, only his heart and Jesus's communing together.  This is how these God breathed visions come forth.

Prophesying can come in many forms with the avenues God created in His image, the eyes, ears mouth and mind.  God can make something known to anyone He so desires who isn't even born again. Through colour, sound, thoughts and the world around us.  Then transferring them onto another one's senses otherwise, why would we have these senses if not for God to use them for His will.  God through with His awesome omniscience can make something known in this manor to anyone He so desires, but if not 'born again' it is only the natural elements that are the avenue.  In order to hear Him directly from light to light, Spirit to Spirit, we must be born again.  This is not even His physical voice, but the Lamp of His Word shining within us as His voice; and to be guided this way.  
When Saul was mysteriously called by God on a journey from the land of Benjamin after lost donkeys, unknown to his will, he was actually being led to a place where he was to be called, instructed and chosen to be King of Israel.  He met prophet Samuel to ask of him the way, for he believed as he being a seer would be able to show him all things from the mind of God.  Samuel is a type of Christ, because he was always noted as coming from the high place, which is as Jesus coming down from the high place to show all things in the mind and heart of God.  Samuel then revealed to Saul that he would become King of Israel.  Saul's response was always lowly and humble, saying that how could he be called into this great position when he is just from the smallest of the tribes of Israel and from the least of the families with his father as Kish. Possibly a poor lowly family in Israel.  By the the leading of God Saul was anointed by Samuel to be prince over Israel and was then asked to meet with prophets on a high hill.  These prophets had musical instruments such as pipes and harps, and they prophesied.  Which, could only have come through the sounds of the instruments and the Spirit coming upon them (the Holy Spirit would come upon people in the Old Testament, but could not be born within them until the cross and the birth of the Church in the New Testament).  In those days there was a kind of hierarchy with prophets and the people of God.  So Saul was in a sense ridiculed by the prophets for the tribe and family he was from, then the proverb was born ''even Saul is among the prophets.''  Yes you and me, no matter our backgrounds, wealth and status can be among the prophets of the holy hill of the inhabitants of Heaven and all its Angels.  The high holy hill is now where ever the hearts of those who believe on Jesus to be born again for salvation gather together.  Then all Heaven's Angels and Spirit of God will meet with them and speak to them.  So we can see this a type and picture of someone being called by God and guided with natural elements to a holy hill with God's chosen prophets where He would prophesy and become a 'new man.'  Where in a type he was to be born again, just in a metaphorical picture.  1 Samuel 10:6  ''And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man.''              

I do often leave the images that come forth through this romance un-described and un-named, to leave the Spirit of God to speak through the colours, transfigured images and revealings directly to others in the natural and spiritual.  So there's nothing of my own interpretation coming between the two and that the interpretation comes forth to them through their own connection with God.    


For ''the testimon
y of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy'' and ''no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation'


Worship Paintings

This revelations and prophetic Art works can also come forth through and during worship and church services of gatherings, to become what I call ''worship paintings.'' They are images which come forth through a personal relationship with Jesus, to become personal and living prayers.  They look upwards to the radiant beauty that's hidden above, rather than to the 'temporality' of the natural world. Along with the offering of worship in Church, they too become the fragrance to be mixed with the perfect offering of Jesus' sacrifice to the Father's nostrils, satisfying His heart.  Along with this, aiding the gathered to Christ in their prophesying on how the Spirit speaks into their hearts and beings.  1 Corinthians 14 "Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy"

''Even Saul is among the prophets.''

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