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Original Volunteers Ghana project

As part of my Wimbledon College of Art final year research I ventured on a journey to the country of Ghana in West Africa, to soak up the new culture around me and to be an investigative adventure into a change that happened in my life; the theory of the blurring of art and life, which underpins the direction my art takes is a large aspect of this journey. A person came into my life who gave birth to a fascination in the country of Ghana; a person's personality can give off the aroma and very essence of a place, thing or space in time. The persons background shone through in her personality and then into my Art work. This became the theme of my final year practice and final show.

A church dance by the children of Atebubu

Drawings by the children of Ghana in a primary School

More drawings in the primary School

A scene from the village of Atebubu



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